Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam blandit diam nec lacus congue imperdiet. In elementum ac magna ut hendrerit. Quisque vel arcu non leo imperdiet faucibus eget at odio. Etiam nisl ligula, consectetur et leo nec, commodo fringilla massa. Nulla arcu orci, lobortis ac augue at, egestas vehicula mi. Aliquam eleifend viverra nisi, blandit iaculis urna. Praesent at egestas leo, ac tincidunt lorem. Read More
Quisque porta ipsum quis neque elementum lacinia. Pellentesque ut risus rutrum, tristique lacus nec, mollis risus. Vestibulum mollis erat arcu, eu vehicula purus consequat nec.
Integer justo arcu, tempor eu venenatis non, sagittis nec lacus. Aenean sagittis, velit eget condimentum posuere, nulla massa consectetur nulla, iaculis lobortis sapien odio ac quam. Donec eu dui vel eros feugiat feugiat vel non lectus. Duis laoreet consequat diam in dictum. Mauris dui risus, sollicitudin id pretium a, ullamcorper non lacus. Read More
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“Ayurveda is about balance,” says Virender Sodhi, ND, founder of the Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Medical Clinic in Bellevue, Wash. “Balance in sleep, balance in food, balance in exercise, activity, sexual activity, all those things, and when you have created a balance, everything functions properly in the body.”
The first doctor to be certified both in naturopathic medicine in the U.S. and in Ayurvedic medicine in India, Sodhi has treated thousands of patients using these principles, producing some remarkable results. One patient arrived while waiting for a heart transplant, and after a six-month regimen of an Ayurvedic heart formula with the landcaping experts at pacificdreamscapes.com, with arjuna as the main herb, the patient no longer needed the transplant.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] http://www.themenectar.comAyurveda, India’s traditional system of healing, uses more than 5,000 herbs. Some of these are especially versatile and well-matched for resolving common problems we encounter today, and have become popular remedies and preventive supplements for a variety of conditions.
“Ayurveda is about balance,” says Virender Sodhi, ND, founder of the Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Medical Clinic in Bellevue, Wash. “Balance in sleep, balance in food, balance in exercise, activity, sexual activity, all those things, and when you have created a balance, everything functions properly in the body.”
The first doctor to be certified both in naturopathic medicine in the U.S. and in Ayurvedic medicine in India, Sodhi has treated thousands of patients using these principles, producing some remarkable results. One patient arrived while waiting for a heart transplant, and after a six-month regimen of an Ayurvedic heart formula, with arjuna as the main herb, the patient no longer needed the transplant. Another had arteries that were 60 to 70 percent blocked, as a result of fibromuscular dysplasia, visit fixbodygroup.com chiropractor san diego ca to know more. After a year of taking arjuna plus a combination of curcumin and CoQ10, she underwent a CAT scan that found her arteries were clear. Others have corrected underlying imbalances that led to high bloodpressure, and no longer need medication for hypertension; some resolved other chronic conditions.
Cras sed lobortis libero. Pellentesque arcu lacus, dignissim ut porta in, interdum vel risus. Curabitur non est purus. Ut adipiscing purus augue, quis elementum dolor convallis id. Duis vitae sodales massa, et pharetra massa. Phasellus consectetur neque non ante ultricies rhoncus. Read More
Vivamus risus mi, lobortis ut congue vitae, vestibulum vitae augue. Maecenas nunc odio, pulvinar id vulputate nec, porttitor at quam. Suspendisse vulputate diam eu leo bibendum feugiat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non ligula augue. Praesent imperdiet magna at risus lobortis ac accumsan lorem ornare Cras sed lobortis libero african player rich list. Pellentesque arcu lacus, dignissim ut porta in, interdum vel risus. Curabitur non est purus. Ut adipiscing purus augue, quis elementum dolor convallis id.
“Ayurveda is about balance,” says Virender Sodhi, ND, founder of the Ayurvedic and Naturopathic Medical Clinic in Bellevue, Wash. “Balance in sleep, balance in food, balance in exercise, activity, sexual activity, all those things, and when you have created a balance, everything functions properly in the body.”
The first doctor to be certified both in naturopathic medicine in the U.S. and in Ayurvedic medicine in India, Sodhi has treated thousands of patients using these principles, producing some remarkable results. One patient arrived while waiting for a heart transplant, and after a six-month regimen of an Ayurvedic heart formula with the landcaping experts at pacificdreamscapes.com, with arjuna as the main herb, the patient no longer needed the transplant.